It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business or a massive corporation, every company needs a professional website. We live in a world where everything is digital. Most consumers do their own research before hiring a service or buying a product. Without a professional website to direct them to, you’re missing out on their business. If you already have a website, when’s the last time you updated it? Is the content relevant? Does the design still reflect your brand? Is it mobile responsive? With all of the changes in technology and design trends, it’s important to maintain your website to stay relevant. INCREASE BRAND AWARENESS & TRUST? Think about the last time you googled a restaurant to go to or a business to buy from. How long did you stay on their website if it was outdated or confusing? Did you trust that they were professionals if they had a poorly designed, unprofessional site? Your website will generally be your consumers first interaction with your brand. We know how important first impressions are in real life. It’s important to make your online first impressions count, too. Professionally designed sites with clear calls to action that are easy to use will show your prospects that you mean business. Things like Google AdWords and Social Media are changing the way people find what they need. A store front or yellow page listing is no longer enough. A website is essential for reaching new target markets and prospects. Having a digital marketing plan will ensure you’re getting your site in front of the people who need it. Sure, you may be able to get by with a self made site for a while, but do you really want to invest advertising dollars directing people to a site you made yourself? Your Competition Has a Website It’s 2019. Chances are, your competition already has a website up and running. Between a professional site and no site (or one you made yourself), who do you think someone would choose? A website is an opportunity to show your prospects why you are better. Websites are a great place to direct people who have questions about who you are or what you do. Instead of answering the same questions a million times, you can direct people to your website to learn more. This is one of our favorite parts about having a website. We save SO much time. Added plus, it’s a great way to keep all of your content in one place. That way, you know where the most up to date information is and can use it as the foundation for future marketing materials. Let your website be your sales person. If you’re a brick & mortar store, create an e-commerce site and let it do the work. If you’re a B2B or B2C company, use your website as your sales pitch. We’ll help craft the perfect language and content to achieve your goals Share on facebookShare on Social
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